Privacy policy

Thank you for your interest in our website. In principle, you can use our website without providing any personal data. If you wish to make use of services via our website, the processing of personal data will be necessary.

Die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten (z.B. Name, Anschrift, E-Mail-Adresse oder Telefonnummer einer betroffenen Person), erfolgt stets im Einklang mit der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) und in Übereinstimmung mit den für uns geltenden landesspezifischen Datenschutzbestimmungen.

Ihre Privatsphäre, und damit der Schutz dieser, bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogenen Daten sowie die Sicherheit aller Geschäftsdaten ist uns ein wichtiges Anliegen, das wir in unserer täglichen Arbeit berücksichtigen. Wir verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten, die bei Ihrem Besuch unserer Online-Angebote erhoben werden, vertraulich und ausschließlich gemäß den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen, insbesondere der EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO).

Verantwortliche Stelle für die Datenverarbeitung auf dieser Website ist:

Tim Zastrow
Jülicher Straße 209
52070 Aachen
Tel: +49 1577 8062162
Email: [email protected]

Overview of processing

The following overview summarizes the types of data processed and the purposes of their processing and refers to the data subjects.

Types of processed data

  • Inventory data (e.g., names, addresses).
  • Content data (e.g. entries in online forms).
  • Contact information (e.g., email, phone numbers).
  • Meta/communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses).
  • Usage data (e.g. websites visited, interest in content, access times).
  • Image and/or video recordings (e.g. photographs or video recordings of a person).
  • Contract data (e.g. subject matter of the contract, term, customer category).

Payment data (e.g. bank details, invoices, payment history).

Categories of persons concerned

  • Communication partner.
  • Customers
  • Users (e.g., website visitors, users of online services).

Processing purposes

  • Provision of our online offer and user-friendliness.
  • Office and organizational procedures.
  • Direct marketing (e.g. by e-mail or postal mail).
  • Feedback (e.g. collecting feedback via online form).
  • Marketing
  • Contact requests and communication.
  • Profiles with user-related information (creation of user profiles).
  • Reach measurement (e.g. access statistics, recognition of returning visitors).
  • Safety measures.
  • Provision of contractual services and customer service.
  • Managing and responding to inquiries.

Relevant legal bases

The following is an overview of the legal basis of the GDPR on the basis of which we process personal data. Please note that in addition to the provisions of the GDPR, national data protection regulations may apply in your or our country of residence or domicile. If, in addition, more specific legal bases are relevant in individual cases, we will inform you of these in the data protection declaration.

  • Consent (Art. 6 (1) p. 1 lit. a. DSGVO) - The data subject has given his/her consent to the processing of personal data concerning him/her for a specific purpose or purposes.
  • Contract performance and pre-contractual requests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. b. DSGVO) - Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or for the performance of pre-contractual measures taken at the data subject's request.
  • Legitimate interests (Art. 6 (1) p. 1 lit. f. DSGVO) - Processing is necessary to protect the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party, unless such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require the protection of personal data.

National data protection regulations in Germany:

In addition to the data protection regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation, national regulations on data protection apply in Germany. These include, in particular, the Act on Protection against Misuse of Personal Data in Data Processing (Federal Data Protection Act - BDSG). In particular, the BDSG contains special regulations on the right to information, the right to erasure, the right to object, the processing of special categories of personal data, processing for other purposes and transmission, as well as automated decision-making in individual cases, including profiling. Furthermore, it regulates data processing for employment purposes (Section 26 BDSG), in particular with regard to the establishment, implementation or termination of employment relationships as well as the consent of employees. Furthermore, state data protection laws of the individual federal states may apply.

Security measures

We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of protection appropriate to the risk in accordance with the legal requirements, taking into account the state of the art, the implementation costs and the nature, scope, circumstances and purposes of the processing, as well as the different probabilities of occurrence and the extent of the threat to the rights and freedoms of natural persons.

The measures include, in particular, safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data by controlling physical and electronic access to the data as well as the access, input, transfer, safeguarding of availability and its separation. Furthermore, we have established procedures to ensure the exercise of data subjects' rights, the deletion of data, and responses to data compromise. Furthermore, we take the protection of personal data into account as early as the development or selection of hardware, software and processes in accordance with the principle of data protection, through technology design and through data protection-friendly default settings.

IP address shortening: If IP addresses are processed by us or by the service providers and technologies used and the processing of a complete IP address is not required, the IP address is shortened (also referred to as "IP masking"). In this process, the last two digits or the last part of the IP address after a period are removed or replaced by wildcards. The shortening of the IP address is intended to prevent or make it significantly more difficult to identify a person by their IP address.

Data deletion

The data processed by us will be deleted in accordance with the legal requirements as soon as their consents permitted for processing are revoked or other permissions cease to apply (e.g. if the purpose of processing this data has ceased to apply or it is not required for the purpose).

If the data is not deleted because it is required for other and legally permissible purposes, its processing is limited to these purposes. I.e., the data is blocked and not processed for other purposes. This applies, for example, to data that must be retained for reasons of commercial or tax law or whose storage is necessary for the assertion, exercise or defense of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person.

Our privacy notices may also contain further information on the retention and deletion of data, which will take precedence for the respective processing operations.

Cookies use

Cookies are text files that contain data from visited websites or domains and are stored by a browser on the user's computer. A cookie is primarily used to store information about a user during or after his visit within an online offer. Stored information may include, for example, language settings on a website, login status, a shopping cart, or where a video was watched. The term cookies also includes other technologies that perform the same functions as cookies (e.g., when user information is stored using pseudonymous online identifiers, also referred to as "user IDs").

The following cookie types and functions are distinguished:

  • Temporary cookies (also: session cookies): Temporary cookies are deleted at the latest after a user has left an online offer and closed his browser.
  • Permanent cookies: Permanent cookies remain stored even after the browser is closed. For example, the login status can be saved or preferred content can be displayed directly when the user visits a website again. Likewise, the interests of users used for reach measurement or marketing purposes can be stored in such a cookie.
  • First-party cookies: First-party cookies are set by us.
  • Third-party cookies (also: third-party cookies): Third-party cookies are mainly used by advertisers (so-called third parties) to process user information.
  • Necessary (also: essential or absolutely necessary) cookies:Cookies may be absolutely necessary for the operation of a website (e.g., to store logins or other user input or for security reasons).
  • Statistics, marketing and personalization cookies: Furthermore, cookies are generally also used in the context of range measurement and when a user's interests or behavior (e.g. viewing certain content, using functions, etc.) on individual websites are stored in a user profile. Such profiles are used, for example, to show users content that matches their potential interests. This process is also referred to as "tracking", i.e., tracking the potential interests of users. Insofar as we use cookies or "tracking" technologies, we will inform you separately in our privacy policy or in the context of obtaining consent.

Notes on legal bases:

The legal basis on which we process your personal data using cookies depends on whether we ask you for consent. If this is the case and you consent to the use of cookies, the legal basis for the processing of your data is the declared consent. Otherwise, the data processed with the help of cookies is processed on the basis of our legitimate interests (e.g. in a business operation of our online offer and its improvement) or, if the use of cookies is necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations.

Storage period:

Unless we provide you with explicit information about the storage period of permanent cookies (e.g. in the context of a so-called cookie opt-in), please assume that the storage period can be up to two years.

General information on revocation and objection (opt-out): Depending on whether the processing is based on consent or legal permission, you have the option at any time to revoke any consent you have given or to object to the processing of your data by cookie technologies (collectively referred to as "opt-out"). You can initially declare your objection by means of your browser settings, e.g. by deactivating the use of cookies (whereby this may also restrict the functionality of our online offer). An objection to the use of cookies for online marketing purposes can also be made by means of a variety of services, especially in the case of tracking, via the web pages und be declared. In addition, you can receive further instructions on how to object in the context of the information on the service providers and cookies used.

Processing of cookie data on the basis of consent: We use a cookie consent management procedure, in the context of which the consent of users to the use of cookies, or the processing and providers mentioned in the cookie consent management procedure, can be obtained and managed and revoked by users. Here, the declaration of consent is stored in order not to have to repeat its query and to be able to prove the consent in accordance with the legal obligation. The storage can take place on the server side and/or in a cookie (so-called opt-in cookie, or with the help of comparable technologies), in order to be able to assign the consent to a user or their device. Subject to individual information on the providers of cookie management services, the following information applies: The duration of the storage of consent can be up to two years. A pseudonymous user identifier is created and stored with the time of consent, information about the scope of consent (e.g., which categories of cookies and/or service providers), as well as the browser, system and end device used.

  • Types of data processed: Usage data (e.g. web pages visited, interest in content, access times), meta/communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses).
  • Data subjects: Users (e.g., website visitors, users of online services).
  • Legal basis: consent (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a. DSGVO), legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f. DSGVO). Services used and service providers:
  • BorlabsCookie: Cookie consent management; Service provider: Borlabs; website: individual user ID, language, types of consent and the time of their submission are stored on the server and in the cookie on the user's device.

Provision of the online offer and web hosting

In order to provide our online offer securely and efficiently, we use the services of one or more web hosting providers from whose servers (or servers managed by them) the online offer can be accessed. For these purposes, we may use infrastructure and platform services, computing capacity, storage space and database services, as well as security services and technical maintenance services.

The data processed as part of the provision of the hosting offer may include all information relating to the users of our online offer, which is generated as part of the use and communication. This regularly includes the IP address, which is necessary to be able to deliver the contents of online offers to browsers, and all entries made within our online offer or from websites.

Collection of access data and log files: We ourselves (or our web hosting provider) collect data on each access to the server (so-called server log files). The server log files may include the address and name of the web pages and files accessed, the date and time of access, the volume of data transferred, notification of successful access, browser type and version, the user's operating system, referrer URL (the previously visited page) and, as a rule, IP addresses and the requesting provider

The server log files may be used, on the one hand, for security purposes, e.g., to prevent server overload (especially in the case of abusive attacks, so-called DDoS attacks) and, on the other hand, to ensure the utilization of the servers and their stability.

  • Types of data processed: Content data (e.g. entries in online forms), usage data (e.g. websites visited, interest in content, access times), meta/communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses).
  • Data subjects: Users (e.g., website visitors, users of online services).
  • Purposes of processing: provision of our online offer and user-friendliness.
  • Legal basis: Legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f. DSGVO).

Special notes on applications (apps)

We process the data of the users of our application insofar as this is necessary to provide the users with the application and its functionalities, to monitor its security and to develop it further. We may also contact users in compliance with legal requirements, provided that the communication is necessary for purposes of administration or use of the application. In all other respects, we refer to the data protection information in this data protection declaration with regard to the processing of users' data.

Legal basis: The processing of data required for the provision of the functionalities of the application serves the fulfillment of contractual obligations. 

Device permissions for access to functions and data: 

The use of our application or its functionalities may require users' permissions to access certain functions of the devices used or the data stored on the devices or accessible by means of the devices. By default, these permissions must be granted by users and may be revoked at any time.

Access to the camera as well as saved recordings: 

In the course of using our application, image and/or video recordings (which also includes audio recordings) of users (and of other persons covered by the recordings) are processed by accessing the camera functions or stored recordings. 

Processing of saved contacts: 

In the course of using our application, the contact information of individuals (name, e-mail address, phone number) stored in the contact directory of the device is processed. The use of contact information requires user authorization, which can be revoked at any time. 

Nutzung von Kontaktdaten zu Zwecken des Kontaktabgleichs: 

The data of contacts stored in the contact directory of the device can be used to check whether these contacts also use our application. For this purpose, the contact data 

  • Types of data processed: inventory data (e.g. names, addresses), meta/communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses), image and/or video recordings (e.g. photographs or video recordings of a person).
  • Purposes of processing: provision of contractual services and customer service.
  • Legal basis: Consent (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a. DSGVO), Contract performance and pre-contractual requests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. b. DSGVO), Legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f. DSGVO).

Obtaining applications via app stores

Our app is obtained via special online platforms operated by other service providers (so-called "appstores"). In this context, the privacy policy of the respective app store applies in addition to our privacy policy.

Google Play: 

  • Types of data processed: inventory data (e.g. names, addresses), payment data (e.g. bank details, invoices, payment history), contact data (e.g. e-mail, telephone numbers), contract data (e.g. subject matter of contract, term, customer category), usage data (e.g. websites visited, interest in content, access times), meta/communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses).
  • Affected persons: Customers.
  • Purposes of processing: provision of contractual services and customer service.
  • Legal basis: Contract fulfillment and pre-contractual inquiries (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. b. DSGVO), Legitimate Interests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f. DSGVO).

Registration, login and user account

Users can create a user account. In the course of registration, users are provided with the required mandatory data and processed for the purpose of providing the user account on the basis of contractual obligation fulfillment. The processed data includes in particular the login information (username, password and an e-mail address).

Within the scope of the use of our registration and login functions as well as the use of the user account, we store the IP address and the time of the respective user action. The storage is based on our legitimate interests as well as those of the users in protection against misuse and other unauthorized use. As a matter of principle, this data is not passed on to third parties unless it is necessary for the prosecution of our claims or there is a legal obligation to do so.

Users may be informed by e-mail about events relevant to their user account, such as technical changes.

Deletion of data after termination: If users have terminated their user account, their data with regard to the user account will be deleted, subject to any legal permission, obligation or consent of the users.

It is the responsibility of users to back up their data before the end of the contract in the event of termination. We are entitled to irretrievably delete all user data stored during the term of the contract.

  • Types of data processed: inventory data (e.g. names, addresses), contact data (e.g. e-mail, telephone numbers), content data (e.g. entries in online forms), meta/communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses).
  • Data subjects: Users (e.g., website visitors, users of online services).
  • Purposes of processing: provision of contractual services and customer service, security measures, management and response to requests.
  • Legal basis: Contract fulfillment and pre-contractual inquiries (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. b. DSGVO), Legitimate Interests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f. DSGVO).

Contact and request management

When contacting us (e.g. by contact form, e-mail, telephone or via social media) as well as in the context of existing user and business relationships, the information of the inquiring persons is processed to the extent necessary to respond to the contact requests and any requested measures.

The answering of contact inquiries as well as the administration of contact and inquiry data in the context of contractual or pre-contractual relationships is carried out to fulfill our contractual obligations or to answer (pre)contractual inquiries and otherwise on the basis of legitimate interests in answering inquiries and maintaining user or business relationships.

  • Types of data processed: inventory data (e.g. names, addresses), contact data (e.g. e-mail, telephone numbers), content data (e.g. entries in online forms).
  • Affected persons: Communication partners.
  • Purposes of processing: contact requests and communication.
  • Legal basis: Contract fulfillment and pre-contractual inquiries (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. b. DSGVO), Legitimate Interests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f. DSGVO).

Chatbots and chat functions

We offer online chats and chatbot functions (collectively referred to as "chat services") as a communication option. A chat is an online conversation conducted with some timeliness. A chatbot is software that answers users' questions or notifies them of messages. When you use our chat features, we may process your personal data.

If you use our chat services within an online platform, your identification number will also be stored within the respective platform. We may also collect information about which users interact with our chat services and when. Furthermore, we store the content of your conversations via the chat services and log registration and consent processes in order to be able to prove them according to legal requirements. 

We would like to point out to users that the respective platform provider can find out that and when users communicate with our chat services as well as collect technical information about the device used by the users and, depending on the settings of their device, also location information (so-called metadata) for the purpose of optimizing the respective services and for security purposes. Likewise, the metadata of communication via chat services (i.e., e.g., information about who communicated with whom) may be used by the respective platform providers for marketing purposes or to display advertisements tailored to users in accordance with their terms and conditions, to which we refer for further information.

If users agree with a chatbot to activate information with regular messages, they have the option to unsubscribe from the information at any time in the future. The chatbot instructs users how and with which terms they can unsubscribe from the messages. Unsubscribing from chatbot messages deletes users' data from the list of message recipients.

We use the aforementioned information to operate our chat services, e.g., to personally address users, to respond to their inquiries, to deliver any requested content, and also to improve our chat services (e.g., to "teach" chatbots answers to frequently asked questions or to recognize unanswered inquiries).

Notes on legal basis: We use chat services on the basis of consent if we have previously obtained users' permission to process their data as part of our chat services (this applies to cases where users are asked for consent, e.g., for a chatbot to send them messages on a regular basis). If we use chat services to answer users' inquiries about our services or our company, this is done for contractual and pre-contractual communication. Otherwise, we use chat services based on our legitimate interests in optimizing the chat services, their operational efficiency, and increasing the positive user experience.

Revocation, objection and deletion: You can revoke a given consent or object to the processing of your data within the scope of our chat services at any time.

  • Types of data processed: contact data (e.g. e-mail, telephone numbers), content data (e.g. entries in online forms), usage data (e.g. websites visited, interest in content, access times), meta/communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses).
  • Affected persons: Communication partners.
  • Purposes of processing: contact requests and communication, direct marketing (e.g. by e-mail or postal mail).
  • Legal basis: Consent (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a. DSGVO), Contract performance and pre-contractual requests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. b. DSGVO), Legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f. DSGVO).

Video conferencing, online meetings, webinars and screen sharing

We use platforms and applications of other providers (hereinafter referred to as "conference platforms") for the purpose of conducting video and audio conferences, webinars and other types of video and audio meetings (hereinafter collectively referred to as "conference"). When selecting the conference platforms and their services, we observe the legal requirements. 

Data processed by conference platforms: In the context of participation in a conference, the conference platforms process the personal data of the participants mentioned below. The scope of the processing depends, on the one hand, on which data is requested in the context of a specific conference (e.g., provision of access data or clear names) and which optional information is provided by the participants. In addition to processing for the purpose of conducting the conference, participants' data may also be processed by the conference platforms for security purposes or service optimization. The processed data includes personal data (first name, last name), contact information (e-mail address, telephone number), access data (access codes or passwords), profile pictures, information on professional position/function, the IP address of the Internet access

Microsoft Teams: 

  • Types of data processed: inventory data (e.g. names, addresses), contact data (e.g. e-mail, telephone numbers), content data (e.g. entries in online forms), usage data (e.g. websites visited, interest in content, access times), meta/communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses).
  • Data subjects: Communication partners, users (e.g. website visitors, users of online services).
  • Purposes of processing: provision of contractual services and customer service, contact requests and communication, office and organizational procedures.
  • Legal basis: Consent (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a. DSGVO), Contract performance and pre-contractual requests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. b. DSGVO), Legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f. DSGVO).


Newsletter and electronic notifications

We send newsletters, e-mails and other electronic notifications (hereinafter "newsletter") only with the consent of the recipients or a legal permission. Insofar as the contents of the newsletter are specifically described in the context of a registration, they are decisive for the consent of the users. Otherwise, our newsletters contain information about our services and us.

To subscribe to our newsletters, it is generally sufficient to provide your e-mail address. However, we may ask you to provide a name, for the purpose of personal address in the newsletter, or further information, if this is necessary for the purposes of the newsletter.

Double opt-in procedure: Registration for our newsletter is always carried out in a so-called double opt-in process. This means that after registration you will receive an e-mail in which you are asked to confirm your registration. This confirmation is necessary so that no one can register with other e-mail addresses. The registrations for the newsletter are logged in order to be able to prove the registration process according to the legal requirements. This includes the storage of the registration and confirmation time as well as the IP address. Likewise, the changes to your data stored with the shipping service provider are logged.

Deletion and restriction of processing: We may store unsubscribed email addresses for up to three years based on our legitimate interests before deleting them in order to be able to prove consent formerly given. The processing of this data will be limited to the purpose of a possible defense against claims. An individual request for deletion is possible at any time, provided that the former existence of consent is confirmed at the same time. In the event of obligations to permanently observe objections, we reserve the right to store the e-mail address in a block list (so-called "block list") for this purpose alone.

The logging of the registration process takes place on the basis of our legitimate interests for the purpose of proving its proper course. If we commission a service provider to send e-mails, this is done on the basis of our legitimate interests in an efficient and secure sending system.

Notes on legal basis: The newsletter is sent on the basis of the recipients' consent or, if consent is not required, on the basis of our legitimate interests in direct marketing, if and to the extent that this is permitted by law, e.g. in the case of existing customer advertising. Insofar as we commission a service provider to send e-mails, this is done on the basis of our legitimate interests. The registration process is recorded on the basis of our legitimate interests to prove that it was carried out in accordance with the law.

Contents: Information about us, our services, promotions and offers.

  • Types of data processed: inventory data (e.g. names, addresses), contact data (e.g. e-mail, phone numbers), meta/communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses).
  • Affected persons: Communication partners.
  • purposes of the processing: direct marketing (e.g. by e-mail or postal mail).
  • Legal basis: Consent (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a. DSGVO), Legitimate Interests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f. DSGVO).
  • Option to object (opt-out): You can cancel the receipt of our newsletter at any time, i.e. revoke your consent or object to further receipt. You will find a link to cancel the newsletter either at the end of each newsletter or you can otherwise use one of the above contact options, preferably e-mail, for this purpose.


Web analysis, monitoring and optimization

Web analytics (also referred to as "reach measurement") is used to evaluate the flow of visitors to our online offering and may include behavior, interests or demographic information about visitors, such as age or gender, as pseudonymous values. With the help of reach analysis, we can recognize, for example, at what time our online offer or its functions or content are most frequently used or invite re-use. Likewise, we can understand which areas require optimization. 

In addition to web analytics, we may also use testing procedures, for example, to test and optimize different versions of our online offering or its components.

For these purposes, so-called user profiles may be created and stored in a file (so-called "cookie") or similar procedures may be used with the same purpose. This information may include, for example, content viewed, websites visited and elements used there, and technical information such as the browser used, the computer system used, and information on usage times. If users have consented to the collection of their location data, this may also be processed, depending on the provider.

The IP addresses of the users are also stored. However, we use an IP masking procedure (i.e., pseudonymization by shortening the IP address) to protect users. Generally, in the context of web analysis, A/B testing and optimization, no clear data of the users (such as e-mail addresses or names) are stored, but pseudonyms. This means that we, as well as the providers of the software used, do not know the actual identity of the users, but only the information stored in their profiles for the purposes of the respective procedures.

Notes on legal bases: If we ask users for their consent to use third-party providers, the legal basis for processing data is consent. Otherwise, users' data is processed on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in efficient, economical and recipient-friendly services). In this context, we would also like to refer you to the information on the use of cookies in this privacy policy.

  • Types of data processed: Usage data (e.g. web pages visited, interest in content, access times), meta/communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses).
  • Data subjects: Users (e.g., website visitors, users of online services).
  • Purposes of processing: Reach measurement (e.g. access statistics, recognition of returning visitors), profiles with user-related information (creation of user profiles).
  • Security measures: IP masking (pseudonymization of the IP address).
  • Legal basis: Consent (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a. DSGVO), Legitimate Interests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f. DSGVO).

Services used and service providers:

  • Google Analytics: Reach measurement and web analysis; service provider: Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; parent company: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; website:; Privacy Policy:; Types of processing as well as the data processed:; Data processing terms and conditions for Google advertising products and standard contractual clauses for third country transfers of data

Presence in social networks (social media)

We maintain online presences within social networks and process user data in this context in order to communicate with users active there or to offer information about us.

We would like to point out that user data may be processed outside the European Union. This may result in risks for the users because, for example, the enforcement of the users' rights could be made more difficult.

Furthermore, user data is usually processed within social networks for market research and advertising purposes. For example, usage profiles can be created based on the usage behavior and resulting interests of the users. The usage profiles can in turn be used, for example, to place advertisements within and outside the networks that presumably correspond to the interests of the users. For these purposes, cookies are usually stored on the users' computers, in which the usage behavior and interests of the users are stored. Furthermore, data independent of the devices used by the users may also be stored in the usage profiles (especially if the users are members of the respective platforms and are logged in to them).

For a detailed presentation of the respective forms of processing and the options to object (opt-out), we refer to the privacy statements and information provided by the operators of the respective networks.

In the case of requests for information and the assertion of data subject rights, we would also like to point out that these can be asserted most effectively with the providers. Only the providers have access to the users' data and can take appropriate measures and provide information directly. If you still need help, you can contact us.

Facebook pages: We are jointly responsible with Facebook Ireland Ltd. for collecting (but not further processing) data from visitors to our Facebook page (known as a "Fan Page"). This data includes information about the types of content users view or interact with, or the actions they take (see under "Things You and Others Do and Provide" in the Facebook Data Policy:, as well as information about the devices used by users (e.g., IP addresses, operating system, browser type, language settings, cookie data; see under "Device Information" in the Facebook Data Policy: As explained in the Facebook Privacy Policy under "How do we use this information?", Facebook also collects and uses information to provide analytics services, known as "Page Insights," to Page operators to provide them with insights into how people interact with their Pages and with content associated with them. We have entered into a special agreement with Facebook ("Page Insights Information,, which regulates in particular which security measures Facebook must observe and in which Facebook has agreed to fulfill the rights of data subjects (i.e. users can, for example, send information or deletion requests directly to Facebook). The rights of users (in particular to information, deletion, objection and complaint to the competent supervisory authority), are not restricted by the agreements with Facebook. Further information can be found in the "Information on Page Insights" (

  • Types of data processed: contact data (e.g. e-mail, telephone numbers), content data (e.g. entries in online forms), usage data (e.g. websites visited, interest in content, access times), meta/communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses).
  • Data subjects: Users (e.g., website visitors, users of online services).
  • Purposes of processing: contact requests and communication, feedback (e.g. collecting feedback via online form), marketing.
  • Legal basis: Legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f. DSGVO).

Services used and service providers:

  • Instagram: Social network; Service provider: Instagram Inc, 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA; Website:; Privacy Policy:
  • Facebook pages: Profiles within the social network Facebook; service provider: Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland; Website:; Privacy Policy: contractual clauses (guaranteeing the level of data protection in the case of processing in third countries):; Order processing contract:
  • LinkedIn: social network; service provider: LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland; Website:; Privacy Policy:; Possibility of objection (opt-out):

Modification and update of the privacy policy

We ask you to regularly inform yourself about the content of our privacy policy. We adapt the data protection declaration as soon as the changes in the data processing carried out by us make this necessary. We will inform you as soon as the changes require an act of cooperation on your part (e.g. consent) or other individual notification.

Where we provide addresses and contact information for companies and organizations in this privacy statement, please note that the addresses may change over time and please check the information before contacting us.

Rights of the data subjects

As a data subject, you are entitled to various rights under the GDPR, which arise in particular from Art. 15 to 21 GDPR:

  • Right to object: You have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning you which is carried out on the basis of Article 6(1)(e) or (f) DSGVO; this also applies to profiling based on these provisions. If the personal data concerning you is processed for the purposes of direct marketing, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you for the purposes of such marketing; this also applies to profiling, insofar as it is related to such direct marketing.
  • Right of withdrawal for consents: You have the right to revoke any consent you have given at any time.
  • Right to Information: You have the right to request confirmation as to whether data in question is being processed and to information about this data, as well as further information and a copy of the data in accordance with the legal requirements.
  • Right of rectification: In accordance with the legal requirements, you have the right to request that the data concerning you be completed or that incorrect data concerning you be corrected.
  • Right to erasure and restriction of processing: In accordance with the statutory provisions, you have the right to demand that data relating to you be deleted immediately or, alternatively, to demand restriction of the processing of the data in accordance with the statutory provisions.
  • Right to data portability: You have the right to receive data concerning you, which you have provided to us, in a structured, common and machine-readable format in accordance with the legal requirements, or to request that it be transferred to another responsible party.
  • Complaint to supervisory authority: Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or the place of the alleged infringement, if you consider that the processing of personal data concerning you infringes the requirements of the GDPR.


  • Some data processing operations are only possible with your express consent. A revocation of your already given consent is possible at any time. For the revocation, an informal communication by e-mail to [email protected] is sufficient. The legality of the data processing carried out until the revocation remains unaffected by the revocation.


  • As a data subject, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority in the event of a data protection violation. The competent supervisory authority regarding data protection issues is the state data protection commissioner of the federal state in which our company's registered office is located. The following link provides a list of data protection officers and their contact details:


  • You have the right to have data that we process automatically on the basis of your consent or in fulfillment of a contract handed over to you or to third parties. The data will be provided in a machine-readable format. If you request the direct transfer of the data to another responsible party, this will only be done insofar as it is technically feasible.


  • Within the scope of the applicable legal provisions, you have the right at any time to free information about your stored personal data, origin of the data, their recipients and the purpose of data processing and, if applicable, a right to correction, blocking or deletion of this data. In this case and also for further questions on the subject of personal data, you can contact us at any time via the contact options listed in the imprint.


  • For security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content that you send to us as site operator, our website uses SSL or TLS encryption. This means that data that you transmit via this website cannot be read by third parties. You can recognize an encrypted connection by the "https://" address line of your browser and the lock symbol in the browser line.


  • In server log files, the provider of the website automatically collects and stores information that your browser automatically transmits to us. These are
  • Browsertyp und Browserversion:
  • Operating system used
  • Referrer URL
  • Host name of the accessing computer
  • Time of the server request
  • IP-Adress
  • Es findet keine Zusammenführung dieser Daten mit anderen Datenquellen statt. Grundlage der Datenverarbeitung bildet Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO, der die Verarbeitung von Daten zur Erfüllung eines Vertrags oder vorvertraglicher Maßnahmen gestattet.


  • You have the possibility to send us inquiries by using our contact form. If you use this contact form, we will ask you for your name and e-mail address (mandatory fields). Furthermore, you can enter your individual message in the message field for all inquiries to us. It is your free decision whether you provide us with this data. Without this information, however, we cannot fulfill your contact request in this way.
  • Wir verarbeiten diese Daten auf von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. Der Zweck der Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten liegt allein in der Bearbeitung der Kontaktanfrage. Wir löschen die über das Kontaktformular erhobenen Daten umgehend nach der Bearbeitung der Kontaktanfrage.


  • As an alternative to using our contact form, it is possible to contact us via e-mail addresses provided on our website. In this case, the data transmitted by you will be stored together with your e-mail address. The data will not be passed on to third parties unless this is absolutely necessary to process your request. In this case we assume your consent. The data will be used exclusively for the processing of the conversation and the final fulfillment of your contact request. The legal basis for the processing of data transmitted in the course of sending an e-mail is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer required to achieve the purpose for which they were collected. For the personal data sent by e-mail, this is the case when the respective conversation with you has ended. This is to be assumed if it can be inferred from the circumstances that the matter in question has been conclusively clarified.


  • We use the web analytics service Google Analytics of Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; "Google") on our website. The data processing serves the purpose of analyzing this website and its visitors. To this end, Google will use the information obtained on behalf of the operator of this website for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website operator. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other data from Google.
  • Google Analytics uses cookies that enable an analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookies about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. IP anonymization is activated on this website. This means that your IP address will be shortened beforehand by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. Your data may be transferred to the USA. For data transfers to the USA, an adequacy decision of the European Commission is available. The processing is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO from the legitimate interest in the demand-oriented and targeted design of the website.
  • You have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to this processing of personal data concerning you based on Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO.
  • Sie können dazu die Speicherung der Cookies durch die Auswahl entsprechender technischer Einstellungen Ihrer Browser-Software verhindern; wir weisen Sie jedoch darauf hin, dass Sie in diesem Fall gegebenenfalls nicht sämtliche Funktionen dieser Website vollumfänglich werden nutzen können. Sie können des Weiteren die Erfassung der durch das Cookie erzeugten und auf Ihre Nutzung der Website bezogenen Daten (inkl. Ihrer IP-Adresse) an Google sowie die Verarbeitung dieser Daten durch Google verhindern, indem sie das unter dem folgenden Link verfügbare Browser-Plug-in herunterladen und installieren []. To prevent the collection by Google Analytics across devices, you can set an opt-out cookie. Opt-out cookies prevent the future collection of your data when visiting this website. You must perform the opt-out on all systems and devices used for this to be fully effective. If you click here, the opt-out cookie will be set: Disable Google Analytics. 
  • You can find more information on terms of use and data protection at unter


  • We use the online advertising program "Google AdWords" on our website and in this context conversion tracking (visit action evaluation). Google Conversion Tracking is an analysis service of Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; "Google"). When you click on an ad placed by Google, a cookie for conversion tracking is stored on your computer. These cookies have a limited validity, do not contain any personal data and are therefore not used for personal identification. If you visit certain pages of our website and the cookie has not yet expired, Google and we can recognize that you clicked on the ad and were redirected to this page. Each Google AdWords customer receives a different cookie. Thus, there is no possibility that cookies can be tracked across AdWords customers' websites.
  • The information obtained with the help of the conversion cookie serves the purpose of creating conversion statistics. Here, we learn the total number of users who clicked on one of our ads and were redirected to a page tagged with a conversion tracking tag. However, we do not receive any information with which users can be personally identified. The processing is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO from the legitimate interest in targeted advertising and the analysis of the effect and efficiency of this advertising.
  • You have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to this processing of personal data concerning you based on Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO.
  • To do this, you can prevent the storage of cookies by selecting the appropriate technical settings of your browser software. However, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent. You will then not be included in the conversion tracking statistics.
  • Furthermore, you can disable personalized advertising for you in Google's advertising settings. You can find instructions on how to do this at addition, you can disable the use of cookies by third parties by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative disable page at. and implement the further information on opting out mentioned there.
  • You can find further information and Google's privacy policy at:


  • We store your personal data only as long as this is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes or - in the case of consent - as long as you have not revoked your consent. In the event of an objection, we will delete your personal data unless its further processing is permitted under the relevant legal provisions. We will also delete your personal data if we are obliged to do so for legal reasons.


  • Websites as well as services of other providers linked to from this website were and are designed and provided by third parties. We have no influence on the design, content and function of these third-party services. We expressly distance ourselves from all content of all linked third-party services. Please note that the third-party services linked on this website may install their own cookies on your end device or collect personal data. We have no influence on this. If necessary, please inform yourself directly with the providers of these linked third-party offers.


  • For integration and display of video content, our website uses plugins from YouTube. The provider of the video portal is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA.
  • Bei Aufruf einer Seite mit integriertem YouTube-Plugin wird eine Verbindung zu den Servern von YouTube hergestellt. YouTube erfährt hierdurch, welche unserer Seiten Sie aufgerufen haben.
  • YouTube kann Ihr Surfverhalten direkt Ihrem persönlichen Profil zuzuordnen, sollten Sie in Ihrem YouTube Konto eingeloggt sein. Durch vorheriges Ausloggen haben Sie die Möglichkeit, dies zu unterbinden.
  • Die Nutzung von YouTube erfolgt im Interesse einer ansprechenden Darstellung unserer Online-Angebote. Dies stellt ein berechtigtes Interesse im Sinne von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO dar.
  • Einzelheiten zum Umgang mit Nutzerdaten finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube unter: